From Beta Concept to Revenue Generating Reality: Development of a Robust Sports Betting Platform

  • 01
    Project Overview
  • 02
    The Challenge
  • 03
    Our Approach
  • 04
    Results & Outcomes

Project Overview

TopProp, a leading sports betting platform, recognized the need for a transformative overhaul of its extremely limited existing application to meet the evolving demands of its users and to adhere to stringent compliance rules in the industry. The stakes were high, and TopProp sought a strategic collaboration with Akava.

The primary goal was to elevate the user experience by converting a partially developed application into a fully-fledged, feature-rich platform. Central to this enhancement was the imperative to streamline the payment process, a critical aspect of any betting application. In light of this, TopProp was keen to transition from an outdated payment system to a more efficient and compliant one. Additionally, the application’s architecture needed a significant revamp to facilitate the seamless integration of new sports, a crucial aspect of the platform’s growth and scalability.


The Challenge

There were several hurdles during the revamp process including inheriting poor quality code from the previous development team, making it challenging to reuse components effectively and requiring extensive revisions and optimizations.

Inconsistent data feeds from SportsData for player information complicated real-time updates, predictions and ongoing testing.

Last-minute changes to the payment processing added another layer of complexity. TopProp initially planned to use Stripe for payments but later discovered that Stripe does not support betting platforms. They had to pivot to Dwolla as an alternative but faced another setback when they realized that Dwolla only supported ACH bank transfers and not credit cards.


Our Approach

We came up with a thorough plan to deal with the problems at hand.

API Data Imports


We adopted a comprehensive strategy and deployed several strategic initiatives to address the complex problems at hand. Our first step involved seamlessly integrating content from Yahoo and ESPN’s Player versus Player (1 v 1) and Team versus Team fantasy leagues. We aimed to offer users a wide variety of fantasy leagues to choose from which enhanced their overall experience by leveraging Yahoo’s open API and creating a unique Chrome browser extension for ESPN data import.

Data Structuring


We put in place a meticulous procedure for manual player data updates to address the issue of inconsistent data feeds from SportData’s API. By taking a proactive approach, we were able to maintain the accuracy and timeliness of player data, including availability and projections, and increase user confidence in the platform’s data quality.

Scalable Architecture


We introduced a modular platform architecture because we needed to be able to scale and expand in the future. This architectural change not only removed barriers that had previously been present but also opened the door for the seamless incorporation of new sports. By doing this, we significantly decreased the amount of time and money needed to develop new sports for the platform.

Compliance & Security


We swiftly switched from Stripe to Dwolla in response to evolving payment processing needs when it became clear that Stripe wasn’t appropriate for betting platforms. Dwolla proved to be a workable alternative payment solution despite its limitation to ACH bank transfers, ensuring seamless and secure transactions for our users. We also put a lot of emphasis on thorough testing, performing in-depth analyses of both the frontend and backend code to ensure a robust application that could withstand the rigors of real-world usage.

Tools & Tech Selection

The selection of tools and technologies was critical to the project’s success:


To improve code quality and maintainability, NestJS, a Node.js framework, was used, replacing Loopback.js in the process.


Leveraged for best in breed component based web UI development, component-based architecture & declarative syntax to enhance performance & usability.

React Native

Employed for cross- platform mobile application development, ensuring a stable and consistent user experience across devices.


Consolidates data retrieval into a single endpoint ensuring efficient and optimized data fetching.


Allowing for scalability and easy management of backend services.


Shifted focus away from managing infrastructure in favor of building apps in a serverless setting.


Dwolla was initially used to help with payments in the V1given early limitations on the industry.


Adopted to introduce seamless support for card payments, solidifying its position as a flexible and dependable payment choice for users.


Results & Outcomes

The outcomes of the project were profound:

Platform Modernization

The mobile app went live in September 2022 and proved to be more stable and robust than its web counterpart used in 2021. With the modernized platform in place, customer retention increased by 93% and an additional 11K users joined the TopProp betting community.

Payment Gateway Upgrade

In terms of payment processing, we transitioned from Dwolla to Tsevo to support card payments. While Tsevo presented its own compliance requirements, we successfully met them. During the payment processing migration, we ran into issues with Tsevo’s limited documentation. We were able to identify gaps, update their docs and successful implemented the new solution for TopProp.

Application Enhancement

We added an admin interface for back-office activities, enhancing the application’s functionality and receiving positive feedback from the client. Additionally, the admin dashboard generated valuable data and insights for the internal team which helps them provide a better overall customer experience.

Revenue Generation

Despite inheriting poor-quality code and facing complex challenges during the revamp process, we successfully transformed the half-baked betting application into a fully-fledged functional platform that is generating revenue on a daily basis.

Absolutely impressed by the technology, product and strategy services delivered by Akava. They took a poorly built, barely functioning prototype and managed to transform it into a high performing web and mobile application that was beyond our expectations. Despite numerous unforeseen challenges with limitations from third-party vendors, they showed remarkable resilience and tact. Their commitment to quality and efficiency is unparalleled

Mike Z.

CEO & Founder